About Us
Ypp School
A school is a place designed to impart knowledge and develop students potential under the guidance of good mentors. Our school canters best quality education with its team of spirited teachers. Who tasters the students by simple but strong teaching methods. We always try for the holistic development under the guidance of dynamic mentors. We also give emphasis on physical, mental, or recreational activities.
Best Wishes....
Happy Birthday

Name : Prachi Pragyan Priyadarshini
Father Name : Jogendra Sahoo
Mother Name : Madhumita Bhatta
Class : STD-10
Happy Birthday

Name : Aaryanshi Swain
Father Name : Ranjan Kumar Swain
Mother Name : Geetarani Swain
Class : L.K.G
Happy Birthday

Name : Ritesh HR Patra
Father Name : Harendra Patra
Mother Name : Rina Patra
Class : STD-09
AC Classroom
Air conditioning creates better air quality in the classroom. It filters the air and clears toxins from the environment. This gives students and staff better health.
Yoga Classes
A study says that yoga classes in school may help kids fight against stress and anxiety. "The intervention improved psychosocial and emotional quality of life scores for students
The library offered to students is one of our most highlighted facilities. It's packed with books of all subjects that a student might be interested to read.
Computer Lab
All our computer labs are well-equipped and have the latest software and high-speed Internet connectivity with fourty nos. of desktop for the benefit of students
Science Lab
The library offered to students is one of our most highlighted facilities. It's packed with books of all subjects that a student might be interested to read.
Safety & Security
We always believe that students can pursue hassle-free education only in a safe and secure environment.